Size Left Right Calf Circ.(Bulge at Gastroc,) Ankle Circ. (Proximal to Malleoli) Leg Length (Superior Pole of Patella to Apex of Lateral Malleolus) Left Right
Small 1730 1735 11" - 13" 8"-10" 16.5" - 18.5" 1550 1555
Medium 1731 1736 13" - 15" 9"-11" 17.5" - 19.5" 1551 1556
Medium/Long 1732 1737 14" - 16" 9"-11" 20.5" - 22.5" 1552 1557
Large 1733 1738 15" - 17" 10"-12" 19.5" - 21.5" 1553 1558
Large/Long 1734 1739 16" - 18" 10"-12" 22" - 24" 1554 1559